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- From: rutkows@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Chris Rutkowski)
- Subject: New issue of Swamp Gas Journal
- Keywords: ufozine,UFOs,circles,abductions
- Date: 15 Sep 93 01:57:37 GMT
- Organization: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
- Volume 6 The SWAMP GAS JOURNAL ISSN 0707-7106
- Number 4 ********************* September 1993
- Well, since I've received a great many inquiries about a new
- SGJ, I thought I'd gather more information to bring readers up to date
- on the ufology/Forteana scene.
- Putting Out Fires
- By now, many of you will have seen the movie FIRE IN THE SKY,
- which chronicles the story of Travis Walton and his UFO abduction
- experience in 1975. Even back then, his story generated a great deal
- of controversy, and the renewed interest has created another phenomenon
- unto itself.
- Just before it was released, I received a phone call from
- a Paramount Pictures representive, who asked if I wanted any
- promotional materials and passes to the local premiere. They had got
- my name and number from their ufology contacts elsewhere in Canada. I
- took several passes, and called up the motley members of UFOROM and
- NAICCR in Winnipeg. Our entourage went to the screening, full of eager
- expectation.
- I had spoken to Tracy Torme, the film's producer, several years
- ago when he was working on other UFO-type projects and was involved in
- Star Trek episodes. He was quite knowledgable on the subject, having
- done a lot of reading about UFOs and the ETH, and I recall sending him
- some of my writings back then. I had enjoyed his work on INTRUDERS,
- the abduction TV movie of a few years ago, and I looked forward to his
- treatment of Walton's experience.
- Halfway through FIRE IN THE SKY, some of my companions were
- rolling their eyes and groaning. During the climax, when Walton was
- immersed in brown goo, they were getting apopleptic. After the movie,
- we congregated outside and discussed the film in detail. While we all
- generally liked the unfolding of the investigation and story, and the
- setting of the background and personal lives of the witnesses,
- something went awry during the abduction sequence. Unfortunately, it
- was that short sequence that made or broke the movie, depending on your
- opinion.
- What was incredible was the number of good reviews the movie
- received from ufologists, despite the flaws our group felt were
- overwhelming. In addition, I noted that some skeptics were lamenting
- that PR for the movie was going to create something akin to mass
- hysteria, and poison the public's mind. These and other observations
- prompted me to post the following review in the sci.skeptic INTERNET
- newsgroup:
- ======================================================================
- >From sci.skeptic Fri Mar 12 14:11:25 1993
- From: rutkows@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Chris Rutkowski)
- Subject: MIS-Fire in the Sky
- I saw FIRE IN THE SKY at a preview last night. There was mixed
- reaction from the audience.
- First of all, the movie does not resemble Walton's book in the least.
- I thought his ghostwritten version of what he claimed was bizarre
- enough withough Tracy Torme's "artistic licence". If you like movies
- with lots of gore, shock effects and gallons of brown goo, this is the
- one for you. Walton's original claim of a sterile, antiseptic alien
- spaceship and operating room has given way to an interior that attempts
- to outdo the ALIEN series of flicks. Membraneous pods, ET-like aliens
- and slimy honeycombs populate the ship's interior.
- Good news for horror buffs: the audience liked that stuff.
- What was odd was the complete contrast with the rest of the movie, in
- which crusty James Garner grilled the other work crew about their
- apparent murder of Walton. Garner's character, the sheriff, didn't
- believe a word of the abduction story, and kept trying to trip them up
- through his investigation. That part of the movie, including the
- social and public effects of an alleged UFO on a community, was
- actually very good.
- In essence, it's not necessary to debunk the movie because it bears no
- resemblance to even the original story. I'm amazed that MUFON devoted
- half of its most recent issue to a preview of the movie, including a
- new article by Walton. In the movie, APRO investigators, with the
- group name changed to AFAR, are portrayed as complete geeks with
- absolutely no scientific credibility. Why a UFO organization would
- want to be associated with such a portrayal is beyond me.
- Walton is said to be rewriting his book, THE WALTON EXPERIENCE, to be
- released with the movie title. A much more interesting book about the
- case is Bill Barry's ULTIMATE ENCOUNTER (Pocket Books, 1978), which
- gives more background and includes skeptics' comments. I doubt if that
- book will become available again.
- In summary, FIRE IN THE SKY is a misfire. Although the investigation
- process is fairly well detailed and the dynamics of the characters is
- acceptably portrayed, the movie skews badly after Walton is found,
- degenerating into a slimy horror flick with no resemblance to the
- original account, however truthful it was in the first place.
- Skeptics don't really need to bother with the movie. It should be
- forgotten soon.
- ======================================================================
- The review was met with general agreement among the readers of the
- newsgroup, and some readers of UFO newsgroups also agreed with my view.
- Others called the movie a "must see" and a "milestone".
- There the matter rested, so I thought. As the saying goes:
- "Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is."
- But then, I received some email from various people, saying
- that Tracy Torme wanted to get in touch with me by phone. I passed
- along my number, thinking that Tracy wanted to have another amiable
- chat about some aspect of ufology for his next movie.
- Not.
- Tracy was not pleased with my pan of his work. He had several
- arguments in particular. First, he disagreed that the movie bore no
- resemblance to the original story. It was still about Walton, was set
- in Arizona, and involved an abduction. It was only the comparatively
- short abduction sequence that strayed from reality. I argued that that
- short sequence WAS the story, and that was what I meant. I pointed out
- that my review did praise the investigation and character development
- parts of the screenplay. But "bore no resemblance"? Indeed.
- Tracy further explained that the original screenplay was
- relatively straight and didn't include the fantasy sequence that ended
- up in the movie. It seems that Paramount execs got upset when
- Indruders and other similar ventures were promoted, showing classic
- abduction sequences. They wanted something DIFFERENT, so they rewrote
- the script ending to include the "goo" scenes.
- The "goo" was another sore point. "There's hardly any in the
- movie at all," Tracy argued, "so how could you call it a 'goo-fest'?"
- Well, admittedly, there was no goo in the larger part of the
- movie, so whitewashing (or, rather, goo-splattering) the entire movie
- was not accurate. But again, I'd note that it's the effect of the
- fantasy sequence upon the rest of the film that sticks in peoples
- minds.
- Tracy was upset by a small number in the ufology community who
- condemned the entire movie because of the flawed abduction sequence.
- Even Travis Walton seemed to endorse the movie version by noting it
- portrayed his sense of bewilderment and terror during his experience,
- even if the visual scenes were embellished. I was one of the handful
- of purists (for lack of a better word) who thought the scenes detracted
- from the account.
- By the end of our conversation, Tracy had cooled down and I had
- agreed the problem wasn't his original script. We're still friends (I
- think). In fact, he called me a few months later when he was getting
- ready to travel to Saskatchewan for an HBO movie western. He wanted to
- know if there were any Fortean locations in the filming area. I put
- him onto the medicine wheels there and the Taber spooklights. He told
- me that after the western, he'd do a movie about MIBs, then back out of
- ufology for a while.
- I think Tracy has done a good job of working with the material
- he has been given by myself and others, and he has honestly tried to
- present UFO information to the public by telling stories about actual
- cases.
- Tracy had his secretary send me a bound book (!) containing a
- large collection of reviews of Fire in the Sky, mostly from newspapers
- but also from other strange sources. One weird one was a favourable
- review published in what appears to be a newsletter circulated within
- the Pentagon. FITS was moderately successful at the box office, so I'm
- told, but the negative publicity it received from some of the reviews
- probably squashed its attempt to break records.
- For what it's worth, I still think that the Walton screenplay
- could have been lifted right out of Walton's first book and still sell
- well. I was quite surprised that virtually no one cited Bill Barry's
- book on the case, which gave many details and
- covered some of the skeptics' objections as well. Well, that's
- showbiz.
- Crop Circling Again
- Well, it's no secret that cerealogy isn't what it used to be in
- Britain these days. It seems that the top "experts" such as Meaden and
- Andrews are very hesitant to proclaim new formations "genuine", because
- of the predominance of hoaxing.
- Nevertheless, there are many cerealogists, particularly some
- who are doing well on the lecture circuits right now, who are adamantly
- refusing to concede their trade is full of problems. Paul Fuller in
- England is always under attack from someone or another, because of his
- dogged determination to publicize details that suggest certain
- formations are actually hoaxes. This, despite the fact that there is
- ample evidence to show that the various collections of crop circle data
- jealously guarded by some British groups are absolutely rife with
- contaminated data. Indeed, if there actually IS a "real" crop circle
- phenomenon, it is buried hopelessy under a flood of hoaxes and
- poor investigations.
- However, this is not the opinion of all researchers or
- interested readers. For example, the following post appeared in the
- alt.alien.vistors newsgroup:
- "From: esc@festival.ed.ac.uk (Clinton Dopgposture)
- Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1993 10:31:02 GMT
- I can't believe people are still doing research
- into crop circles. Are you listening ? They
- are a hoax. A recent Fortean Times issue
- documented at least 15 hoaxers and the type of
- circles they made,size etc. and there were
- hundreds more groups they could have mentioned.
- On some 'supernatural' topics I've got an open
- mind but crop circles - NO NO NO NO !!!"
- This cleverly-named debunker obviously had some disagreement
- with cerealogical endeavours. Certainly an open mind isn't something
- to have with regards to all fields of study as it would lead to
- objectivity. He (or she) further described his (or her) position in a
- response to another poster's reaction:
- (spelling and grammatical errors are in the original)
- "From: esc@festival.ed.ac.uk (Clinton Dogposture)
- Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1993 11:27:12 GMT
- Initially all early circles were of very simple
- nature. When the hoaxers got bored with this they decided to
- build more and complex patterns and sure the patterns take some
- planning but nothing that a fairly intelligent person couldn't do.
- The more complex the formation the more likely it is to be
- hoaxed. The complete asymmetry in some of the really complex
- circles is totally unnatural - thats because they are.
- There have been various programmes, magazine articles that have
- documented stories of psyhics,new-agers or whatever walking
- in MAN-MADE circles and declaring allsorts of bullshit -some
- of them even collapsed because of the sheer 'power'
- they felt."
- This last reference might be to some in the ETH camp, who have claimed
- to have felt "energy" flowing through their bodies when they were
- inside some formations. Of course, some of these sites were later
- suspected to be hoaxes, so the subjective sensations may be of less
- importance than is claimed. Chad Deetken noted that while sleeping
- overnight in a Canadian crop circle, he was overcome by "bad vibes" and
- was forced to flee. Gord Kijek of AUFOSG is plagued by severe migraine
- headaches, brought upon by stress and environmental factors. He
- visited the same sites as those who claimed headaches and vibes inside
- them, but experienced nothing out of the ordinary. The question is,
- therefore, not what energy is responsible, but why are some people more
- sensitive to things within crop circles?
- Dogposture contuned:
- "The scientist who developed the mini vortex hypothesis was
- set up to examine a circle hoaxed by a television programme
- and he proclaimed it totally genuine and was prattling on about
- how the circle was a classic blah blah..
- When told it was fake he almost broke down .He has now
- given up his work and believes firmly that all circles are faked."
- "Show me an unexplained crop circle and I'll find you somebody that
- will give you a perfectly good explanation for it. How can you lean
- towards something when there is absolutely no proof? I believe you are
- right when you say that the circles are created by 'some intelligent
- phenomena of nature' - it's called HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. Surely any
- sensible human being must at this time go with the explanation which
- has most evidence supporting it. Why do you believe in something when
- there's no 'proof'?"
- As I and others pointed out in later posts, Meaden has hardly given up.
- True, he has reconsidered his position on complex formations, but is
- still quite convinced that a vortex mechanism still exists. Other
- scientists such as Ohtsuki and Snow are still working on the idea, too.
- And Paul Devereux is still advocating "earth energy", so the
- interconnected concept of atmospheric energy vortices is not dead in
- any sense.
- Of course, one must then define "sensible". His opinion on the "show
- me" approach was interesting. A "perfectly good explanation" for the
- Alton Barnes formation was that it was a hoax, yet there was no
- "overwhelming" evidence as to its creator. The ETH camp would point to
- the woven nature of the crop, the "molecular crystallization" effects
- and so forth, but neither those who believe all are hoaxes nor those
- who believe them to be real are talking about the same kind of
- "perfectly good explanation".
- A lengthy rejoinder came from none other than Marshall Dudley, who
- supplied the following critique:
- ==========================================================================
- >From alt.alien.visitors Tue Aug 31 12:22:09 1993
- From: mdudley@dwbbs.nlbbs.com (Marshall Dudley)
- How long have you been researching crop circles? how many have you personally
- investigated? What scientific team were you are part of? I suspect from your
- above post that you have looked personally at very few, if any circles.
- I spent 5 weeks in England in July and August of 1992 as part of the Argus
- scientific team investigating crop circles. I can state catagorically that
- the above comments do not fit the data. In fact, I have not found any
- rational explaination that, as yet, fits the data.
- I was fortunate that the first circles I encountered were all hoaxes,
- created for the hoaxing competition. So I started out knowing exactly what
- a hoaxed circle looked like, and what the hoaxers were capabile of. The
- competition which offered about $6000 as first prize (in pounds of course),
- had a dozen or so competitors. Several surprises came out of this
- competition. First it was obvious that the true circle makers did not
- compete. Some of the things that were to be replicated that show up in real
- circles simply did not appear or were very crude. Secondly, it was found
- that several items previously assumed to be not hoaxable were indeed easy
- for the hoaxers to duplicate. Creating a circle between the tram lines with
- no sign of entry fell into this catagory. Also several items which some
- researchers thought were signs of a hoax, did not show up in the hoaxed
- circles at all (such as "construction lines"). Another interesting thing is
- that although no one was able to create a circle with all the specified
- features, a quite nice pictogram appeared on a hill several miles away the
- night of the competition, which did contain many of these features. Whoever
- (or whatever) created this circle could have easily walked away with $6000
- and fame, but did not.
- When I saw the first circle which was thought to be genuine, I immediately
- found two things which seemed to be different than the hoaxed circles. We
- returned to the hoaxed circles to check and found both things consistantly
- showed up in the unexplained circles, and did not show up at all in any of
- the hoaxed circles.
- The first was the issue of buried grain heads. In all the hoaxed circles in
- the competition, all the investigated circles we felt sure were hoaxed, and
- some of the circles we were were unsure of, there were buried heads of grain
- when you lift the top layer of grain. In none of the circles we thought
- were genuine were there buried heads, except where the heads were on
- immature and short stalks. The explaination for this is quite simple. In a
- hoax the wheat (corn if in England) is pushed down between the standing
- stalks. Then when the standing stalks are pushed down they end up on TOP of
- the previously lodged crop, burying the heads. In a genuine circle it
- happens differently. Either the crop goes down backwards (pulled down over
- previously flattened crop) or it all goes down at the same time. This
- results in all the heads laying on top of the stalks, with no heads buried
- except for the few on immature short stalks. Absolutely NONE of the hoaxed
- circles showed this very consistant charateristic of genuine circles.
- The second thing found unique with the genuine circles was that the stalks
- are bent to follow the flow. Thus a circle (or actually a swirl) is
- smooth. In ALL the hoaxed circles from the competition the crop was
- straight, but laid in a polygon approximating a circle or swirl. This
- characteristic continued in the genuine circles until later in the season
- when the crop became brittle and begun breaking.
- Several things that Stanly Morcom has found also differentiate the hoaxes
- from the genuine. One is that of defect amplification. If you look for
- standing stalks or a group of standing stalks in a circle you will find they
- virtually always are associated with some type of defect in the wheat.
- A missing drill line can result in a series of standing stalks on the
- "upwind" side of the missing line. A group of standing stalks will
- surround a patch where no wheat grew (usually from a fertilizer spill).
- Discontinuities in the wheat result in what appears to be a change from
- a laminar flow to chaotic flow characteristics of whatever force pushes the
- wheat down. Although these were consistantly found in genuine circles, they
- were never found in ANY of the known hoaxed circles. Finding defects in the
- distribution density of standing wheat is difficult in broad daylight, and
- virtually impossible at night.
- [Editor's note: Dudley uses the word "genuine" a bit liberally. While
- even he in an upcoming paragraph acknowledges that some circles are
- hoaxes, he, like some others, insists that he can tell the difference
- between a "real" circle and a "fake" one. This may or may not be true,
- depending on who you listen to.]
- Also the East field of Alton Barnes was being watched all night long by
- over a dozen "crop watchers", and the field was being walked by one
- individual. One watcher was using an infrared nightscope, which could
- spot rabbits in the field on moonless nights. It was being photographed
- every 10 minutes with 10 minute exposures all night. During this time the
- huge "snail" formation formed. The field walker had walked throught the
- area where the snail was, and found nothing only 10 ot 15 minutes before
- dawn, only to be amazed by the formation when the sun came up. Nothing
- was seen by anyone, and nothing unusual showed up on the film or the
- sniperscope.
- One formation (the Milk Hill #2 also known as Gods's telephone), which I
- have a video tape of our team being the first in was under watch by about
- 30-40 people who were staying the night as part of Steven Greer's CSETI
- experiment. They reported seeing an orange ball floating over this field
- just before dawn in what appears to be exactly the same spot where the
- formation was later found. This formation is especially intriguing
- because it started with what was undeniably normal wind generated lodging,
- which then went on out and swirled two circles connnected by a straight
- run. Both circles were clockwise, and the shaft between them had wheat
- from each circle coming into it, and piling up where they ran together.
- The formation has construction lines, making any natural explaination
- extremely difficult. The crop was bent over at about 6 inches off the
- ground, and there was no sign of foot prints or any damage. I have a
- video showing that the first person into the formation destroyed it, since
- the wheat, and entire formation was about 6" off the ground. One walk
- throught the formation left a trail like walking on new fallen snow. This
- as well as the circle being formed at exactly the same time, and as an
- extension of, wind damage tend to discount the possibility of human
- hoaxers. I consider the source of this circle as unexplained, having
- characteristics of both naturally and intelligently guided formation.
- > I think its fair to ridicule when all the evidence (so far), and
- > the evidence is overwhelming , points towards a perfectly reasonable
- > explanation for the formation of all circles.
- Hows that again? That is not how scientific investigation is done.
- Evidence is collected and analyzed. Possible explainations are formed and
- checked against the evidence to see if they fit. Ridicule does nothing to
- further understanding. I am am not aware of any overwhelming evidence
- that these are ALL hoaxes. I know that some are hoaxes. What is the
- evidence, and where is it? Why did you not present it to any of the
- scientific groups who are still head scratching? Ridicule is typically
- used by uninformed debunkers when they find they are not on solid ground.
- =========================================================================
- Dudley also wrote a paper last year which he claims shows to a very
- high degree of statistical accuracy that hoaxes and genuine circles are
- two very different sets. The paper follows:
- =========================================================================
- An analysis of the hoax theory using dates of the formations.
- by Marshall Dudley
- World attention was focused on England last year when a pair of elderly
- men claimed they had hoaxed many of the formations over the last 14 years.
- A question arises whether this theory can stand up to a statistical
- analysis.
- If one assumes that most hoaxing is done by students or employed persons
- then a logical assumption is that most hoaxes would be done during times
- when one could stay out late. Thus one would expect that there should be
- statistically more hoaxes done on Friday and Saturday than on other days
- of the week.
- Crop circles are generally not found until the next morning at the
- earliest. Since several researchers such as Jurgen Kronig, Busty Taylor
- John Macnish and George Wingfield overfly the most active areas several
- times a week, it is unlikely a significant formation will go unnoticed for
- more than a couple of days. Thus if the majority of crop circles are
- hoaxes, one would expect to find a significant number of them on Saturday,
- and Sunday. The least likely day of the week to find a hoax would therefore
- be on a Friday.
- Last year two men, commonly refered to now as "Doug and Dave," were filmed
- inside a circle with Pat Delgado. Pat pronounced the circle genuine, and
- Doug and Dave then claimed they had made the circle. That a claimed hoax
- is accepted as such without any supporting evidence is itself disturbing,
- but the entire setup, co-ordinated by the Today Newspaper, stinks of
- sensationalism. Speaking with several people in England, I am led to
- believe it is fairly widely believed that the circle that Pat was
- "trapped" with was indeed genuine. When one compares pictures of this
- circle with the one created the following day within the view of
- television cameras, one is struck by the differences in appearence. It is
- interesting that they can supposedly make a quite impressive circle in
- total darkness, but only able to create a messy approximation during the
- day. But of course this does not yield any good statistical evidence, so
- let us proceed.
- In the issue 5 of the Cereologist magazine, George Wingfield wrote an
- article about the hoax in which he commented about Ms. Bower that "She
- must be the doziest person in the world if it took six years to notice his
- nightly absences." The large number of circles claimed by them would
- indicate they would have to be working at least several night a week on
- them so George's viewpoint is not hard to understand. Doug's wife
- responded with a letter to the editor in the following issue, in which she
- demanded an apology with the explanation that they were gone usually on
- Friday nights 'not weekly'. This falls into the pattern we previously
- proposed, and since most crop circle dates of discovery are recorded, this
- is easily analyzed. For instance, taking a list titled "Famous Crop
- Circle Hoaxes" compiled in May of 1992 by Jenny Randles, Paul Fuller and
- Terence Meaden (the group which is attempting to prove that crop circles
- are caused by an elusive ionized plazma vortex), we find that the second
- entry, HO2, is a formation found on July 4th, which is claimed to have
- been hoaxed by Doug and Dave. (Note that England does not celebrate July
- 4th as we do in the US). This was a Wednesday. Thus it is highly unikely
- this was hoaxed by Doug and Dave if we are to believe Doug's wife, that
- they did their hoaxing on Friday nights.
- This study is not totally inclusive. The analysis is performed using 2
- documents, one published by the CCCS of crop circles compiled by Stanley
- Morcom, and the second one the aforementioned paper "Famous Crop Circle
- Hoaxes". These references are used in total without any additional
- selections, so there can be no possibility of any bias added by this
- author. Formations without a day given are simply omitted. It is
- understood that there may be several hoaxes which have found their way
- into the CCCS document and several formations identified in the "Famous
- Crop Circle Hoaxes" paper may well be legitimate. However, for this
- statistical analysis we only require that a larger percentage of hoaxes
- are properly identified in the hoax paper than are found in the CCCS
- document. The better the identification the more definite the study will
- be, but 100% accuracy is not expected or required.
- (note the following table is 139 charaters long and may wrap on your viewer)
- Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat overall weekday weekend expected actual
- CCCS formations -
- Wiltshire formations: 0 0% 1 3% 5 14% 6 17% 6 16% 11 31% 7 19% 36 (5.14) 29 (5.8) 81% 7 (3.5) 19% 2.26 3.71
- Hamphire formations: 1 8% 0 0% 2 15% 0 0% 1 8% 7 53% 2 15% 13 (1.85) 10 (2) 77% 3 (1.5) 23% 1.36 2.41
- Total: 1 2% 1 2% 7 14% 6 12% 7 14% 18 37% 9 18% 49 (7) 39 (7.8) 80% 10 (5) 20% 2.65 5.74
- Hoaxes 8 35% 1 4% 3 13% 2 9% 2 9% 2 9% 5 22% 23 (3.3) 10 (2) 43% 13 (6.5) 56% 1.81 2.43
- The Hampshire data is broken out because of the claims by Doug and Dave that
- they made most of them. The trend however is better correlated with the
- Wiltshire data than the "hoax" data.
- It can be seen that there is a significant divergence of the data. For
- instance, two days, Saturday and Sunday, account for well over half of the
- hoaxes, yet in the CCCS tabulation, the total for these two days are
- significantly below the number found on Friday alone, both for the Wiltshire
- and Hampshire formations. The hoax document has over 3 times as many
- formations per day during the weekend than during the weekday. The CCCS
- data shows there to be slightly more formed during the weekdays. One would
- expect essentually the same rates for weekdays as weekends if the phenominea
- is not from human actions. Thus it can be argued that whatever selection
- criteria was used to differentiate between hoax and real phenomena
- seperates data so that the aforementioned theory is confirmed. One
- curious aspect is the lack of formations found on Monday in both papers.
- The large number of formations found on Friday is totally unexpected, and it
- almost appears that the phenomenon is purposefully avoiding the weekends!
- However, part of this clustering on Fridays can be attributed to the fact
- that some of the pilots do more overflying on Fridays (and Saturdays) than
- other other days of the week.
- The obvious conclusion is that although there are certainly hoaxes, there
- is also another catagory of events which can be shown to be statistically
- independent of the hoaxes.
- <end of included article>
- ==========================================================================
- While I don't necessarily agree with Dudley, it is clear that the
- skeptics and the believers are not communicating effectively with one
- another. I think that much of what is perceived to be mysterious or
- anomalous could be linked to what can be called "the investigator
- effect" in many instances.
- The Investigator Effect
- In a recent letter to me from a well-known researcher (whom I
- will not identify here), the investigator effect is described most
- succinctly:
- "... it's time everyone stood back and took a good, long hard look at
- what can only be called the investigator effect, the tendency to
- believe that, if you're out looking for crop circles, absolutely
- everything else that happens from the time you leave home until you
- return in the morning is somehow intimately connected to an anomalous
- phenomenon, from flat tires and military helicopters, to grasshopper
- warblers, drained batteries, camera failure, men in black, including
- government and papal conspiracies, visitors from another planet and so
- on."
- Frankly, I think the effect is running rampant in both ufology
- and cerealogy. It's very easy to invoke a conspiracy when one is
- confronted with conflicting data and faced with an affront on one's
- beliefs. In phone conversations I have had with some researchers,
- every click, whoosh and static was a catalyst for a paranoid claim that
- "they" were listening. This, even given the fact that such noises are
- not in evidence for modern surveillance thechniques. As for camera
- malfunctions and beeping noises, if one counted the times when such
- noises were absent versus their presence, there would not be any
- question that the sounds are spurious. There was a cerealogist who was
- convinced that insects were absent from crop formations and that this
- indicated the presence of a fourth-dimensional space insect. When I
- pointed out that I had seen many dragonflies, mosquitoes and
- butterflies at the sites I had examined, there was a long silence at
- the other end of the line. Then: "So it's changed its characteristics,
- has it?"
- This is all the more relevant when applied to some of the crop
- circle research that is done (or claimed). This includes the "squashed
- porcupines" that were found inside some Saskatchewan circles and
- described at length by Chad Deetken in his authoritative report on
- Canadian formations. What isn't emphasized is that neither of the two
- carcases were examined by veterinary pathologists, and even Deetken
- admits he saw neither of them. Yet the squashing of animals by
- vortices or aliens is accepted without much quibble, despite the fact
- that the physical evidence is completely absent. Are we reading too
- much into synchronous events, or is Jung's spirit at work in the
- circles?
- Problems in Britain
- As many of you will know, on July 28, 1993, Doug Bower
- gave a lecture and "came clean" about his crop circle hoaxing
- endeavours. According to one of my correspondents who was there, some
- of the revelations were shocking, to say the least.
- One of the major revelations was that Bower made the 1980
- Westbury circles, "the very first ones that Terence Meaden ever saw."
- Evidence was presented which convinced even some of the doubters that
- Bower did indeed fake those formations. The implication of this is
- that since Meaden began developing his vortex theory as a result of
- these circles, the vortex theory itself is on some shaky ground.
- Another disturbing piece of information came from Matthew
- Lawrence, who was instrumental in relaying discoveries to Colin Andrews
- and Pat Delgado. Lawrence gave an "unrehearsed statement" about the
- circles at Cheesefoot Head. To whit: "Lawrence stated that in every
- case he either found footprints underneath the crop, damaged crop, mud
- on top of the crop or broken heads. This evidence never appeared in
- Circular Evidence." In other words, many "genuine" formations had
- obvious signs of human intervention.
- Then there's the people who proclaim that they know how the
- circles were created, hoaxed or otherwise, but won't tell you how they
- did it! Viz:
- >From alt.alien.visitors Thu Dec 10 09:19:05 1992
- From: darkshot@rock.concert.net (Michael B Garrett -- Chudys)
- Subject: Crop circles- a scientific approach
- In the course of a long and touchy life, I have had to deal with a few
- things that were not explainable. I had, of course, relegated the idea
- of "crop circles" and such to this category, and waited for more data.
- It was not forthcoming. One day my wife, having seen some damned tabloid-
- tv-style show feature on the things, asked me what I thought of them.
- Like Twain, I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, so I did.
- I said I didn't know.
- She followed up her earlier query with this bombshell, which is indicative
- of why she's my wife- "Well, if somebody wanted to hoax people with such,
- how would they go about doing it?"
- This led to what we called "Project Flying Deer"- an attempt to re-create
- these phenomenae. It was entirely successful. I solved the basic problem
- in just about 20 minutes- and it was all downhill from there. I can, by
- myself, make crop circles matching anything yet found in less than 1 hour-
- and entirely silently. The technique can even be done in broad daylight
- without arousing suspicion. As a final test of the "technology", I even
- signed my name across 2 acres of wheat belonging to an uncle of mine-
- and out of sight of most air routes. I stood in one spot the whole time;
- it took 23 minutes. Nobody else was needed.
- My question: If someone is seriously researching this stuff, I think
- they should be aware of this technique so as to know when it has been
- used. Admittedly, we're no dummies- but if we could think of it, so could
- someone else- and I think it casts enough of a doubt on the studies done
- thus far to be worthy of thought/consideration. Don't you think so?
- I AM NOT a professional debunker, nor am I one who doesn't believe that
- alien visitors are possible- on the contrary, I have a lot of evidence
- in the other direction, as well as a wife who swears she has SEEN "greys"
- force me to drink something. This before we had even heard of any of the
- current abduction theories. I just don't think crop circles are valid
- evidence of an intelligence higher than ours (mine, anyway)- and I have PROOF.
- Actual investigators of this can contact me; I won't publish the technique
- here or anywhere for obvious reasons- THAT really WOULD invalidate the studies.
- Of course, he wouldn't tell me, even after I contacted him privately.
- Throw all this in with Jim Schnabel's tell-all book on
- cerealogy, and we have a complete olio of gragantuan proportions. It
- is very plain that what data we have about crop circles is hopelessly
- contaminated with hoaxes. Furthermore, it is likely that the
- proponents of various crop circle theories have been reading far too
- much into the reports and case information.
- Unnatural History
- I would be facing the wrath of my publisher if I failed to plug
- my own book. It came out in June 1993, published by Chameleon Book
- Publishers of Winnipeg. It carries a foreword by John Robert Colombo
- that is embarrassingly flattering, and the book has more than 200 pages
- chock full of cases of UFOs, ghosts, abductions, sasquatch and lake
- monsters, all in Manitoba. Its ISBN is 0-9696946-0-1 and you can get
- it from Arcturus Books at 1443 S.E. Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St.
- Lucie, Florida 34952. It's number 72 in their 1993-8 September
- catalogue and is listed for $16.95.
- The book is semi-autobiographical, and presents my thoughts on
- the cases I investigated and my view of the world scene. It includes
- about 20 photos and drawings, many of which have never been published
- before.
- A Poem by Pam
- In one of her letters to me, Pam Thompson sent along her
- thoughts on the circle scene, and some additional thoughts. With her
- permission:
- Round and round like a circle,
- but not a circle: a cipher--
- blank, and yet potent with meaning,
- a meaning both universal
- and profoundly personal.
- Each eye that falls on the corn
- sees their own life ripplig
- through the wind in the fields:
- their deceit, the circles deceit;
- their pain, the circles pain;
- their joy, their sorrow,
- their wonder, their fear
- all caught in the circles' round
- and etched in the corn.
- And what is the true meaning
- of the patterns in the corn?
- Only the same meaning
- that each day brings:
- I know that I do not know.
- "So true of so many things: I know that I do not know. And also so true of
- this kind of phenomenon: people bring their own baggage with them every
- time. Is it any wonder we see the same patterns of function and
- dysfunction repeated in every new phenomena? I'm not saying there *isn't*
- a grand conspiracy (I know that I do not know), but the sheer magnitude of
- the manhours involved in keeping all these conspiracies afloat would employ
- *all* of the unemployed in every country on the planet!"
- Well said, m'dear! xo!
- Abductees
- Since the publication of my book, several people have
- approached me privately for assistance in interpreting or unlocking
- hidden memories of what appear to be alien encounters. As some readers
- may know, Roy Bauer and I have worked with abductees since the late
- 1980's. One particularly interesting recent case involves two siblings
- who have a shared gap in their memories after a shared UFO encounter.
- After hearing all the brouhaha about "mass abductions" and joint
- abductions by aliens, satanic cultists and the CIA, it will be
- interesting to see if the whole mess can be sorted out, and if the
- field can be tamed. With some of the major figures in this area under
- attack by debunkers and the False Memory Syndrome Foundation raising
- concerns about abduction memories, it was interesting to see the
- following in the a.a.v newsgroup:
- =========================================================================
- From: David.Jacobs@p0.f21.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (David Jacobs)
- Date: 28 May 93 05:55:42 GMT
- This is just a note to follow up on your remarks about John Mack. You are
- quite right to question the expertise of anyone and everyone in the abduction
- area. Everybody and his sister is a self-proclaimed expert and the
- possibility of harm for abductees is ever-present.
- John has steeped himself in abduction research and has done many
- regressions with abductees. Therefore he has engaged himself in primary
- rather than secondary research. This is extremely important for any in-depth
- understanding of the field. UFO research is still in its formative stages and
- as such we are not completely clear about its parameters. There is still
- plenty of room for scholarly disagreement and debate. John and I differ in
- interpretations of the material. John tends to see its effects more in
- spiritual terms and I tend to see them more in scientific and empirical terms.
- Budd Hopkins and I also disagree about a variety of abduction phenomena.
- Budd tends to view aliens as more deceptive than I do, for example. I think
- tht this willeventually all shake down as more information is developed and we
- are forced to think along the lines that the data leads to.
- ==============================================================================
- My own interpretation of the abduction phenomenon leads me into
- some other territory. Roy Bauer recently suggested that UFO abduct-
- ions, ritual abuse and past-life regressions may all be cases where memory
- is a poor diagnostic tool. There is no physical evidence for any of
- the three in most cases that are uncovered through hypnotic regression.
- Furthermore, there can be conflicting evidence found which seems to
- rule against the reality of the recalled event. And all three
- situations can involve screen memories which can block the original
- traumatic event.
- Are they, then, delusions or fantasies? If so, what is the
- trigger which produces the trauma? How can such complicated fantasies
- be woven by otherwise normal human beings? I would tend to think that
- even if UFO abductions do not represent alien intervention, there is
- plently of fuel for psychological and sociological studies, well beyond
- the labeling of such cases as "dangerous".
- This and That
- I've just realized that there's no way to include some of the
- information I had intended to publish in this issue, since I'm running
- out of room. I had hoped to give an annotated list of not only the
- large number of zines I have received over the past six months, but
- also comment on some of the books which have found their way to my
- shelves. Because of this, I will only note a few items at the top of
- the pile, and I will devote the next issue of SGJ to reviews and
- letters.
- Among the zines I've received (in no order whatsoever): BILL
- KNELL'S U.F.O. NEWSLETTER, 164-22 77th Road, Flushing, NY 11365 [can't
- say that I agee with him on everything, but he stirs it up, doesn't
- he?]; MUFON UFO JOURNAL, #304, August 1993 [this issue features the
- Project Argus Report]; THE CROP WATCHER, #16,17, 3 Selbourne Court,
- Tavistock Close, ROMSEY, Hampshire SO51 7TY [as usual, Paul Fuller has
- lots of good stuff, exposing hoaxes, silly cerealogists and the like];
- DELVE REPORT, July 1993, 17 Shetland Street, Willowdale, Ontario,
- Canada M2M 1X5 [Gene Duplantier is the "grand elder" of Canadian
- Forteana, and continues to put out interesting collections of strange
- phenomena]; COLORADO MUFON NEWS, #21, May/June 1993, 1550 Violet,
- Boulder, Colorado 80304 [this issue has a feature story about the mass
- abduction of December 1992 and updates on mutes]; THE CEREALOGIST, #9,
- Summer 1993, 11 Powis Gardens, London W11 1JG [they're still not
- accepting the hoaxes and are relying a lot on Hawkins, Greer, etc., but
- the zine is still interesting to read (thanks, Pam!)]; and who could
- forget SAUCER SMEAR?!
- WAHF and Misc...
- Paul Fuller writes that he and his colleagues are looking
- closely at my UGM lists, searching for good examples of pre-Bower
- circles; Dennis Stacy (MUFON) is getting some heat for criticizing some
- "mainstream" UFO and circle experts ... I know how he feels; Lindy
- Tucker sent along some articles from the CPR NEWSLETTER about her
- research into beeping sounds and their relationship with UFOs and crop
- circles; Paul Ferrughelli clarified his method for collecting American
- UFO data and suggested we share data and work as a team in our
- analyses. This would be most interesting, since we could then do an
- analysis of ALL North American cases (well, okay, not including
- Mexico). Sounds good, Paul! Now will somebody explain to me why you
- and I are doing all the work and are never invited to present our stuff
- at UFO conferences?; Gale Research Inc. sent me a press release
- announcing the publication of the Encyclopedia of Hoaxes by Dr. Gordon
- Stein. According to their blurb, Elvis is not alive, there is no King
- Tut's curse, articles in the Washington Post have been fabricated, and
- all crop circles are fakes. Sure, and I suppose there's no Tooth
- Fairy, either, huh?; Brian Savage of AUFOSG wrote to tell me of his
- thoughts on the supersecret CSE, memories of Winnipeg and his discovery
- of a tape from an Alberta TV show about UFOs, circa 1975. Sounds like a
- gem, Brian! (I promise to answer your letter soon!); the Long Island
- UFO Network sent me a copy of their press release in advance of their
- public protest at Suffolk County Police Headquarters in Yaphank, New
- York. The protest is spurred by their investigation of a
- crash/retrieval (or two) in late 1992. Accompanying the release was a
- completely indecipherable photo from a video monitor which was: "A
- computer scan of an area on a video tape which was smuggled out of
- federal government custody by a defense dept systems analyst showing
- the bodies of two dead extraterrestrial beings recovered from an area
- east of William Floyd Parkway where their craft crashed close to
- Brookhaven Laboratories on November 24, 1992." The note describes the
- "massive coverup by federal, state and local authorities" and asks for
- anyone who can shed light on the event to come forward and notify:
- LIUFON, P.O. Box 1692, Riverhead, NY 11901.
- ======================================================================
- The Swamp Gas Journal is copyright (c) 1993 by Chris A. Rutkowski.
- Mail correspondence to: Box 1918, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 3R2
- Email correspondence to: rutkows@ccu.umanitoba.ca
- The Swamp Gas Journal, UFOROM and NAICCR are not affiliated with the
- University of Manitoba, and don't represent its ideas, opinions, etc.
- (Standard disclaimer)
- --
- Chris Rutkowski - rutkows@ccu.umanitoba.ca
- University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, Canada